New textbook publication on employee well-being

This chapter is about how employees feel at work. For instance, employees may feel worn out, cynical, or bored, or in contrast, they may feel enthused and full of pep. The way employees feel has not only to do with “whom they are” – i.e. their personality – but also with “where they are” – i.e. in their jobs.  In essence, employee well-being results from the interaction between person and (work)environment. It depends on the interplay of person-related factors such as temperament and past experiences, and job-related factors such as job characteristics and interpersonal relations at work. More particularly, this chapter focuses on job burnout, boredom at work, and work engagement. After a brief historical overview (12.1), these three types of employee well-being are described in greater detail (12.2), and a taxonomy is presented that allows a differentiation with workaholism and job satisfaction (12.3). Next, the antecedents, consequences, and correlates of burnout, boredom, and engagement are discussed (12.4), as well the role of individual differences (12.5). Finally, psychological explanations for burnout, boredom, and work engagement are discussed(12.6), and the chapter is closed with some overall conclusions (12.7). Download chapter.