Studies published on the validity of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT), a novel burnout instrument, have gained traction in the literature over recent years. The BAT has been successfully shown to be equivalent across representative samples when modelled as a second-order/higher-order model. However, this specification is not free of criticism and the bifactor approach has been presented as the alternative model specification. Therefore, a study investigating the construct-relevant multidimensionality of the BAT across many representative samples is warranted to reassess a global burnout factor (n = 9041). We implemented bifactor exploratory structural equation modelling to ascertain the relevance of a global burnout factor and specific component factors (bifactor-ESEM). According to the standardized loadings and McDonald’s omega coefficients, the results showed that the bifactor-ESEM model had a strong global burnout factor with relevant specific factors beyond the global factor. The model also showed measurement invariance across countries (Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Ireland, Japan, Netherlands, Norway) and genders (men, women). We also present a figure that compares the global burnout mean scores of the countries. All in all, the results of this study reaffirmed that BAT-assessed burnout can be modelled with an equivalent global burnout score across conditions (download full article).