The most popular instrument to measure burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). However, to overcome some of the limitations of the MBI, a new instrument has been proposed, namely the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). The purpose of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of its Italian version. The BAT is comprised of four core dimensions (BAT-C; i.e., exhaustion, mental distance, cognitive and emotional impairment) and two secondary symptom dimensions (BAT-S; i.e., psychological and psychosomatic complaints). Data were collected from a sample of 738 participants from different industries sectors and professional roles. The reliability and factorial structure of the BAT-C and BAT-S, together with the convergent and discriminant validity of BAT-C and MBI were explored, as well as the incremental validity to the BAT-C, over and beyond the MBI. Results confirmed the factorial validity of a two-factor second-order factor model (BAT-C and BAT-S) represented by 4 first-order factors in the case of BAT-C and 2 first-order factors for BAT-S. Results also attested that BAT-C explains additional variance of the BAT-S, above and beyond what is explained by the MBI. All in all, this study provided evidence that the Italian version of BAT represents a reliable and valid tool for measuring burnout in the work context (download full article).