Objectives: The current study aimed to validate the Japanese version of the Dutch Boredom Scale (DUBS- J), a new boredom scale that comprehensively assesses employees’ emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to low- stimulus work situations.
Methods: The translated and back- translated DUBS was administered via an internet survey to 1358 Japanese employees from various occupations. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) was conducted to evaluate factorial validity. In order to evaluate discriminant validity with other work- related, well- being constructs, CFA was conducted, and the square root of average variance extracted (AVE) for the DUBS- J and the square of the inter-construct correlations were compared. Construct validity was evaluated based on the correlation coefficients between boredom at work on the one hand and potential antecedents and consequences on the other hand.
Results: Confirmatory factor analysis supported the expected one- factor model. CFA and AVE supported the discriminant validity of DUBS- J with work engagement, workaholism, and job satisfaction. Construct validity was generally supported by expected correlations of boredom at work with possible antecedents and consequences. Internal consistency was confirmed with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient = .88, and the results of principal component analysis (PCA). Test–retest reliability was confirmed with intraclass correlation coefficients = .62.
Conclusion: The current study confirmed that DUBS- J is an adequate measure of boredom at work that can be used in the Japanese context (download full article).