New overview on work engagement
This chapter gives an up-to-date overview of the state-of-the art of research and theorizing regarding work engagement. First, a brief history is presented of the emergence of engagement in business and in academia (section 1), which is followed by a discussion of various definitions that are used in business and in science (section 2). Next […]
New publication about a positive intervention
Despite the large amount of research attention to engagement as well as positive psychology in a general context, there have been few attempts to increase academic well–being by means of positive psychological interventions. This paper tests the potential of positive psychological interventions to enhance study–related positive emotions and academic engagement, and to reduce study–related negative […]
New publication on the JD-R model
The Job Demands-Resources model (JD-R model) has gained high popularity among researchers. The current version of the model proposes that high job demands lead to strain and health impairment (the health impairment process), and that high resources lead to increased motivation and higher productivity (the motivational process). This chapter reviews the assumptions and development of […]
New publication on burnout (in Dutch)
Dit artikel geeft een overzicht van de stand van zaken in het onderzoek naar burnout. Burnout is een syndroom van extreme vermoeidheid (uitputting), afstand nemen van het werk (distantie) en weinig vertrouwen in het eigen kunnen (verminderde competentie), waarbij de oorzaken voor deze aspecten gelegen zijn in hetzij de werksfeer, hetzij in de manier waarop […]