New article on the BAT-General Version
Objective:: To analyze the validity evidence of the BAT-General version in a sample of Brazilian nursing workers. Method:: A cross-sectional study design with a non-probability sampling method was used among 3594 Brazilian nursing workers. The validity evidence was assessed by means of analysis based on the internal structure, on the relations to external variables, and […]
New review article on research with the BAT
This chapter presents a fresh look at burnout, based a reconceptualization as a work-related syndrome that consists of (1) exhaustion (i.e., a severe loss of energy that results in feelings of both physical and mental exhaustion); (2) mental distance (i.e., a strong reluctance or aversion to work, indifference, and cynicism); (3) cognitive impairment (i.e., memory […]
New publication on the measurement of work engagement
This chapter provides a state-of-the-art overview on the assessment of work engagement. First the conceptualization of work engagement is critically discussed, followed by a review of studies on the assessment of the construct. It is estimated that the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) is used in over 85% of all academic papers on engagement of […]
New publication on workaholism (DUWAS)
This research investigated the construct and criterion validity of the English version of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS) within the South African financial services context (n = 345). A quantitative research approach with a cross-sectional design was utilized to determine the psychometric properties of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-10). Confirmatory factor analysis was […]
New publication on the BAT
The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) is gaining increased attention as a sound and innovative instrument for the conceptualization and assessment of burnout. This paper aims to present the psychometric properties of the Brazilian and Portuguese versions of the BAT; both the original 23-item and the shortened 12-item versions. Validity evidence for the BAT is based […]
New publication on the Burnout Assessment Tool
The current study aimed to validate the Japanese version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-J), a new burnout measure. The two-wave survey, using registered monitors, was conducted in May 2018 (N = 1,032) and June 2018 (N = 498). We examined the factorial validity of the BATJ core symptoms (BAT-JC) and BAT-J secondary symptoms (BAT-JS), […]