Tag: Nurses

New publication on engaging leadership and nurse well-being

Healthcare literature suggests that leadership behavior has a profound impact on nurse work-related well-being. Yet, more research is needed to better conceptualize, measure, and analyze the concepts of leadership and well-being, and to understand the psychological mechanisms underlying this association. Combining Self-Determination and Job Demands-Resources theory, this study aims to investigate the association between engaging […]

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New article on engagment and burnout among hospital nurses

Aim: This study investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in the relationship of job demands and job resources with burnout vs. work engagement. In addition, we examined if job resources strengthen the positive relationship of job demands with intrinsic motivation and burnout (moderating effect). Results: Using a sample of direct care nurses (n= 1729) […]

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New publication on organizational redesign project in European hospitals

The increasing burden of mental distress reported by healthcare professionals is a matter of serious concern and there is a growing recognition of the role of the workplace in creating this problem. Magnet hospitals, a model shown to attract and retain staff in US research, creates positive work environments that aim to support the well-being […]

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New publication on mental health related long-term sickness

Which job demands and job resources were predictive of mental health-related long-term sickness absence (LTSA) in nurses? It appeared that in random sample of Norwegian nurses (N = 1,533) 103 (7%) of them had mental health-related LTSA during 2-year follow-up. Harassment was positively and social support at the workplace was negatively related to mental health […]

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