New article on the Chilean version of the Burnout Assessment Tool for Students (BAT-S)
This report examines both within-network and between-network construct validity of the Burnout Assessment Tool for Students (BAT-S) in a sample of 461 Chilean undergraduate university students (70.9% female) ranging between 18 and 58 years old (M = 21.6, SD = 4.34). The reliability analysis results showed adequate internal consistency for the overall burnout score and […]
New article on the BAT-General Version
Objective:: To analyze the validity evidence of the BAT-General version in a sample of Brazilian nursing workers. Method:: A cross-sectional study design with a non-probability sampling method was used among 3594 Brazilian nursing workers. The validity evidence was assessed by means of analysis based on the internal structure, on the relations to external variables, and […]
New publication on the Thai version of the Utrecht Work Environment Scale (UWES)
This study aimed to develop and test the psychometric properties of a Thai-language version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES). The 17-item version of UWES was translated into Thai and a survey was conducted with 507 registered nurses at a public regional hospital in Thailand. Results showed that the alpha and omega coefficients for […]
New publication on care left done in hospitals
Objective: To examine the prevalence, antecedents, and consequences of physician care left undone in acute care hospitals. Design: A multicenter, multinational, cross-sectional survey. An 11-item scale measured physician reports of care left undone. Antecedent measures examined were work environment and perceived workload. Potential consequences examined included emotional exhaustion, job dissatisfaction and perceived quality of care. […]
New publication on work engagement and creativity
Although creativity is an important domain of performance in turbulent environments, little research has examined through which underlying mediating mechanisms and when HR practices are effective in facilitating creative task performance. Building on the conservation of resources theory, we aimed to (1) investigate whether opportunity-enhancing HR practices were positively linked to employee creativity through work […]