New publication on measuring workaholism in Brazil
Workaholism is characterized by a state of mind in which employees work excessively and compulsively. This study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of two versions of the Dutch Work Addiction Scale (DUWAS-16 and DUWAS 10) among 571 workers in Brazil. A confirmatory factor analysis CFA of the DUWAS-16 confirmed the two factor structure (Working […]
New publication on measuring academic engagement in Japan
This paper examines the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale for Students (UWES-S-J). It appeared that – among 824 university Students – the fit to the data was better for the three-factor than for the single-factor model. However, all factors were highly positively correlated. Additionally, the UWES-S-J had […]
New study on burnout across Europe
This study uncovers relationships between burnout at country level on the one hand, and a variety of national economic, governance, and cultural indicators on the other hand. Burnout data were used from the 6th European Working Conditions Survey (2015) that includes random samples of workers from thirty-five European countries (total N=43,675). The countries with the […]