New article on engagment and burnout among hospital nurses
Aim: This study investigated the mediating role of intrinsic motivation in the relationship of job demands and job resources with burnout vs. work engagement. In addition, we examined if job resources strengthen the positive relationship of job demands with intrinsic motivation and burnout (moderating effect). Results: Using a sample of direct care nurses (n= 1729) […]
New publication on burnout and psychological needs
There have been numerous studies on job stress and mental health of correctional officers. Most of them, however, focused on specific symptoms or simple relations between various stressors and mental health. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the mechanism of the relationship between job characteristics and burnout among correctional officers by integrating […]
New publication about engagement and burnout in Europe
The aim of this study was to investigate the relative importance of four job demands and five job resources for employee vitality, i.e., work engagement and exhaustion, in three different employment groups: permanent, temporary and temporary agency workers. We employed data from the sixth European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) collected in 2015 comprising 28,042 employees […]
New publication on engaging leadership
The goal of this study is to provide a cross-lagged examination of the relationships between engaging leadership, job resources and employee work engagement. We propose a mediation model and we postulate that engaging leadership can increase perceptions of three specific job resources (i.e. autonomy, support from colleagues and opportunities for learning and development) which theoretically […]
New publication on job demands and job resources
This study used a person‐centered approach to examine the across‐time relationships between job demands and job resources of Chinese nurses and police officers on the one hand and their well‐being (burnout and work engagement) on the other. It was expected that increases in demands and decreases in resources across time would result in unfavorable changes […]
Nieuwe publicatie over burnout en bevlogenheid
Dit artikel doet verslag van een onderzoek naar werk en welbevinden bij een representatieve steekproef uit de Nederlandse beroepsbevolking (n = 1.213). Het blijkt dat 14 procent van de werknemers als bevlogen kan worden aangemerkt. Een even groot percentage komt terecht in het tegenovergestelde deel van het spectrum en heeft last van burn-out- klachten. Daarnaast […]
New publication on workability and work engagement
Do job and personal resources predict work ability 10 years later? Yes, job and personal resources DO predict workability 10 years later! Moreover, it seems that work engagement plays an important role in this connection. Using a two-wave 10-year longitudinal design, the examined the motivational process proposed by the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) model was studied. […]