Publication on job crafting, work engagement and person-job fit
There are currently two main theoretical perspectives that explain how employees engage in job crafting, namely Wrzesniewski and Dutton’s (2001) original theory and the job demands-resources model framework by Tims and colleagues (2012). The purpose of this study was to investigate and compare these two perspectives on job crafting using a person-centered methodology. We also […]
New publication on job crafting
Interest in job crafting as a means to create more work meaning has led to the development of multiperspective conceptualizations of job crafting. Although useful comprehensive portraits of complex job crafting activities have emerged, these synthetic conceptualizations tend to overlap, and are even inconsistent with each other. This study aimed to clarify these blurred conceptualizations […]
New publication on team and individual job crafting, and work engagement
This study aims to provide an integrated perspective on job crafting and its antecedents through the exploration of the joint effects of individual-level and team-level job crafting on employee work engagement. Drawing on conservation of resources (COR) theory, we propose that engaging in job crafting behaviors is promoted by the presence of job-related resources. In […]
New publication about wellbeing and job crafting
This study among 1,877 Finnish dentists investigates how various types of employee well-being (i.e., work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, and workaholism), may differently predict various job crafting behaviors (i.e., increasing structural and social resources and challenging demands, and decreasing hindering demands) over a time-span of 4 years. The results showed that (a) work engagement positively […]
New publication on job crafting and change
Organizations today have to change constantly. Although both practitioners and scientists agree that organizational change communication is the most effective strategy to improve employee adjustment to change, little is known about how change communication enhances more proactive employee reactions to change. The present study addresses employee job crafting behaviors (i.e., seeking job resources, seeking job […]
New publication on leadership, job crafting and boredom
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of team-level servant leadership on job boredom and the role of job crafting. A longitudinal design was used and 237 employees, clustered into 47 teams participated. In the study Servant leadership was aggregated to the team-level to examine the effects of shared perceptions of leadership […]
New publication on team job crafting
This study investigated potential antecedents of team job crafting defined as the extent to which team members engage together in increasing (social and structural) job resources and challenges, and decreasing hindering job demands. Data were collected among 46 Finnish multi-professional rehabilitation teams whose members completed two daily surveys after their weekly meetings. Multilevel regression analyses […]
New publication on individual job crafting and well-being
This study investigated how various types of employee well-being (i.e., work engagement, job satisfaction, burnout, and workaholism), may differently predict various job crafting behaviors (i.e., increasing structural and social resources and challenging demands, and decreasing hindering demands) and each other over time. A At Time 1, employee well-being was measured, and 4 years later job […]
New publication on team crafting and well-being
This study investigated potential antecedents of team job crafting defined as the extent to which team members engage together in increasing (social and structural) job resources and challenges, and decreasing hindering job demands. Data were collected among 46 multi-professional rehabilitation teams whose members completed two daily surveys after their weekly meetings. Our analyses showed that […]
New publication on job crafting in changing organizations
The present study addressed employee job crafting behaviors (i.e., seeking resources, seeking challenges, and reducing demands) in the context of organizational change. We examined predictors of job crafting both at the organizational level (i.e., perceived impact of the implemented changes on the working life of employees) and the individual level (i.e., employee willingness to follow […]