New article on disengaging leadership
The main goal of this study was to develop a scale for measuring Disengaging Leadership (DEL) behaviors and to provide preliminary evidence for its validity. Developing such new measures is needed given current concepts that tap into negative leadership behaviors are rarely based on a sound theoretical framework. Drawing on the core premises of Self […]
New article on engaging leadership
The current study investigates the mediating role of basic psychological need for satisfaction at work (i.e., autonomy, relatedness, and competence) in the relationship between engaging leadership (i.e., inspiring, strengthening, empowering, and connecting) and work engagement. Also, we are proposing and testing an additional need for meaningfulness that plays a similar mediating role. Data were collected […]
New publication on leadership, job crafting and boredom
The purpose of this paper is to examine the effects of team-level servant leadership on job boredom and the role of job crafting. A longitudinal design was used and 237 employees, clustered into 47 teams participated. In the study Servant leadership was aggregated to the team-level to examine the effects of shared perceptions of leadership […]
Nieuwe publicatie over burnout en bevlogenheid
Dit artikel doet verslag van een onderzoek naar werk en welbevinden bij een representatieve steekproef uit de Nederlandse beroepsbevolking (n = 1.213). Het blijkt dat 14 procent van de werknemers als bevlogen kan worden aangemerkt. Een even groot percentage komt terecht in het tegenovergestelde deel van het spectrum en heeft last van burn-out- klachten. Daarnaast […]