Tag: Indonesia

New paper on work engagement, employee growth climate and learning

The current study investigates the moderating effect of employee growth climate on the relationship between work engagement and job outcomes among 607 plantation workers in North Sumatra, Indonesia. Three individual-level job outcomes are investigated, namely, intra-role behavior, employee learning, and innovative work behavior. Work engagement and employee growth climate were positively related to the three […]

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New article on engaging leadership

The current study investigates engaging leadership and work engagement among Indonesian employees and the role of diuwongke (Javanese-Indonesian term for employees’ perception of their leaders treating them with dignity and respect at work) plays in this relationship. We also included transformational leadership in order to show the added value of the novel concept of engaging […]

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New article on engaging leadership

The current study investigates the mediating role of basic psychological need for satisfaction at work (i.e., autonomy, relatedness, and competence) in the relationship between engaging leadership (i.e., inspiring, strengthening, empowering, and connecting) and work engagement. Also, we are proposing and testing an additional need for meaningfulness that plays a similar mediating role. Data were collected […]

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