New publication on engaging leadership
Purpose – The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between engaging leadership and open conflict norms in teams, with work engagement. A mediating role of basic needs satisfaction between these relations is proposed. Methodology – Structural equation modeling was used with 133 employees who rated their leader, their team and their own […]
New publication on need satisfaction, work engagement and workaholism
Drawing on Ryan and Deci’s Self-Determination Theory, this study examines longitudinally how need satisfaction at work affects four forms of intrinsic and extrinsic work motivation and two types of heavy work investment (workaholism and work engagement). Using two wave data from 314 Dutch employees, structural equation modeling supported our expectations that high need satisfaction was […]
New publication on engaging leadership training
This present quasi-experimental study tested the business impact of a leadership development program focusing on psychological well-being through the satisfaction of basic psychological needs. Based on the concept of engaging leadership and on Self-Determination Theory, the 8-month program targeted midlevel team leaders of a multinational organization. The program was designed in co-creation between senior leadership […]