New article on clinically validated cutoff points for the BAT.
When are employees in the danger zone for burnout? These cut-offs will tell you.
New paper on the Turkish version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
The purpose of this study is to adapt the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) for in use Turkey. Three sub-studies were conducted. First, the scale was translated, and the factorial structure was determined in a study among 295 participants. In the second study, the scale’s reliability and validity was tested among 399 participants. For the third […]
New article on Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
Background: Burnout is an increasing public health concern that afflicts employees globally. The measurement of burnout is not without criticism, specifically in the context of its operational definition as a syndrome, The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT-23) is a new measure for burnout that addresses many of the criticisms surrounding burnout scales. The aim of this […]
New publication on the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT)
The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) has shown satisfactory validity evidence in several countries, with the 23-item version of the instrument reporting adequate psychometric properties, also in the Italian context. This paper is aimed to present results from the Italian validation of the 12-item version of the BAT. Based on a sample of 2,277 workers, our […]
New publication on shortening the BAT
Burnout is related to huge costs, for both individuals and organizations and is recognized as an occupational disease or work-related disorder in many European countries. Given that burnout is a major problem it is important to measure the levels of burnout in a valid and reliable way. The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) is a newly […]
New publication on the BAT
The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) is gaining increased attention as a sound and innovative instrument for the conceptualization and assessment of burnout. This paper aims to present the psychometric properties of the Brazilian and Portuguese versions of the BAT; both the original 23-item and the shortened 12-item versions. Validity evidence for the BAT is based […]
New publication on the BAT
The most popular instrument to measure burnout is the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). However, to overcome some of the limitations of the MBI, a new instrument has been proposed, namely the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT). The purpose of this study is to examine the psychometric properties of its Italian version. The BAT is comprised of […]
New publication on the BAT
This study aimed to adapt and show evidence of validity for the Ecuadorian version of the Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) considering only its core-dimensions. The adaptation process included its translation and back translation. For content validation, expert reviews and focus groups were carried out. A confirmatory factor analysis was used to identify the psychometric properties […]