New publication on mental energy
Looking back at the end of my academic career, it looks like mental energy is still a hot topic in today’s research and practice in occupational health psychology, as it was a couple of decades ago. This applies particularly to burnout (low mental energy), but also to work engagement (high mental energy), which was introduced […]
New publication on burnout and psychological needs
There have been numerous studies on job stress and mental health of correctional officers. Most of them, however, focused on specific symptoms or simple relations between various stressors and mental health. The purpose of the current study was to investigate the mechanism of the relationship between job characteristics and burnout among correctional officers by integrating […]
New publication about work intensity, musculoskeletal complaints, workaholism and burnout
This study investigated the relationship between work intensity, workaholism, burnout, and musculoskeletal complaints (MSCs). The results of this study could assist organizations in gaining a clearer understanding of how each of these constructs influences the other, promoting a healthier, and ultimately more productive workforce. Using a sample 398 office workers he results revealed that work […]
New publication on Burnout (BAT) among Russian librarians
This paper reports on the level of burnout among 504 female (96%) librarians in Moscow and its relations with personal resources. The Burnout Assessment Tool (BAT) was used to measure burnout, and furthermore optimism, hardiness and self-efficacy were included as personal resources. Confirmatory factor analysis (with first and second order factors) confirmed the expected four-dimensional […]
New publication on authenticity
Authenticity at work refers to the extent to which a worker feels in touch with their true self while at work. At first sight this concept seems to overlap with the concept of person-environment (P-E) fit, that is, the degree to which an individual experiences good fit with their work environment. Drawing on a sample […]
New publication on burnout and the role of managing negative emotions
This study investigates emotional self-efficacy beliefs in managing negative emotions at work as a key mechanism that mediates the negative relationship between emotional stability – a trait highly associated with positive affect and mental health – and job burnout. To test this assertion, a two-wave study using a representative sample of 416 new military cadets […]
New study on burnout across Europe
This study uncovers relationships between burnout at country level on the one hand, and a variety of national economic, governance, and cultural indicators on the other hand. Burnout data were used from the 6th European Working Conditions Survey (2015) that includes random samples of workers from thirty-five European countries (total N=43,675). The countries with the […]
Nieuw overzichtsartikel over burn-out
Er wordt van alles en nog wat over burn-out beweerd. Maar wat klopt er nu wel en wat klopt er niet? Wat zijn de feiten en wat is fictie? Dit artikel komt voort uit twee gemoedstoestanden: irritatie over allerlei uitspraken over burn-out waar geen wetenschappelijke evidentie voor is en verbazing over het feit dat de […]